____fabrics interseasoncollection
fw2010/11 „even break hershey highwayl“
“even break hershey highway“ kommentiert den weg zum break-even.____fabrics interseason´s “archive key-pieces” (z.b. bierbauch-shape, covers, 3-T-neck, doppelmantel, wienerhemd usw.) werden als fragmentarische alternativen für den herbst/winter 2010-11 neu interpretiert: haariger pelz, leder, fäkale brauntöne, etwas polyacryl erweitern nun die bisherigen insignien einer modernen, bürgerlichen klassik (wolle, alpaca, mohair, camel - in feinstem handwerk). fragen nach luxus u. bürgerlicher klasse werden somit neu verhandelt u. formal alternativ interpretiert. (siehe flickenteppiche)
____fabrics interseasoncollection
fw2010/11 „even break hershey highwayll“
“even break hershey highway” describes a comment on the way to break-even. several “key-pieces” of ____fabrics interseason´s archive like the beer-belly-shape, diverse cover-solutions, the 3-T-neck, the double coat or the “viennese” shirt are interpreted as fragmentary alternatives for the fall/winter 2010-11 season: hairy hirsute fur, leather, faecal shades of brown, a little polyester now expand the existing insignia of a modern, contemporary bourgeois classical age (virgin wool, alpaca, mohair, camel wool etc. - all in the finest handcrafting). issues of luxury and the bourgeois class are consequently debated in a new kind and formally constructed in an alternative way (see the handwoven rugs).